Mathematics on computers  

The objectives of this course are - acquire the skills of independent use of mathematical software system (e.g. free open source Sage or similar) for tasks that require symbolic and/or numerical computation - solving of problems in the computer laboratory to support the teaching of mathematical courses (Analytic geometry and linear algebra and Mathematical Analysis). At the program level, the course contributes to the following learning outcomes: - To use information technology in solving geodetic and geoinformation tasks. -To make conclusions on the basis of performed computational processing and interpretation of surveying data and obtained results. -To understand the mathematical methods and physical laws applied in geodesy and geoinformatics. -To apply the knowledge in mathematics and physics for the purpose of recognizing, formulating and solving problems in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. -Use of a mathematical software system for solving equations and inequalities. -Use of a mathematical software system for computing with vectors. -Use of a mathematical software system for computing with matrices -Use of a mathematical software system for visualizing linear operator in plane and space. -Use of a mathematical software system for determining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. -Use of a mathematical software system for determining the limits. -Use of a mathematical software system for symbolic and numerical deriving and integrating. -Use of a mathematical software system for testing properties and graphing functions of one two variables. -Using a mathematical programming system for drawing 2D and 3D graphs.
Mathematics on computers

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